We been HAD folks, but it wasn’t by Glenn Beck –

Here we have a little trip down the yellow brick road of a liberal hack.  I could be amused, but I’m not.

We watched Beck’s video below.  Looked ominous!  Within 24 Hours, Glenn Beck Will Break News That Will Take Down The Entire Power Structure.  But alas, there were no major headlines/heads rolling/buildings burned or demolished around the necks of the traitors in Washington.  Zip/zero/nothing.  More than a “tad” disappointing. 

Watch the video (I’ll call it #1) again please.  At the 0:55 mark you will see a splice.  Too little coffee, I didn’t see it.  It’s there. 

Next we have video #2, which just happens to be the full 4:44 minute ACTUAL segment from Wednesday from which video #1 was culled.

In this video starting at the 0:20 mark and going thru 1:16, Beck is talking about the amnesty bill that is being rammed down our throats.  This portion of video #2 corresponds to the first 55 seconds of video #1.

The splice is made though Beck continues talking amnesty until the 3:15 mark.  At that 3:15 mark he goes into a second subject, the whistleblower/heads are going to roll portion. That portion is tagged onto video #1 starting at 0:55.

So how did this little hack job come about?  This from Glenn Beck’s show Thursday:

Beck: Ok, this goes to yesterday when I said in the next ten days you’re going to witness things in American history that you’ve never witnessed before and we will be telling you, making an announcement in the next 24 hours.  That’s what I said yesterday according to Salon.

 ‘He has a document he said that will take down the entire power structure, pretty much everything and greatly divide the nation.’

Beck:  No, that’s two different things, that is separate, there is another shoe to drop.  The document is only one document that I have seen out of thousands and that’s a separate issue.  That is something that the senate is working with me on to protect the whistleblower.  What I am going to tell you today is something that will greatly divide the nation but I will tell you, the house of representatives, I’ve never seen them more afraid.

The video was made by someone called Right Wing Watch dot org.  I think you will find the Salon’s post interesting.  It was written by Katie Mcdonough, assistant editor.  Comedian not.

Glenn Beck has news that will “rock the nation,” change “everything”

“In the next 10 days, you are going to witness things in American history that have never been witnessed before,” says Glenn Beck of an announcement he plans to make “in the next 24 hours.”

He has one document, he says, that will take down the “entire power structure, pretty much everything,” and “greatly divide” the nation.

What do you think it is, you guys? Something about aliens? The Kennedy assassination? A revelation about why we park in a driveway and drive in a parkway?

Leave your guesses in the comments! If you’re right, you get the satisfaction of knowing your brain works in a similar way to a noted conspiracy theorist!

Discredit/smear job much Katie?  Daddy and Mommy will be so proud.


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31 Responses to We been HAD folks, but it wasn’t by Glenn Beck –

  1. Pingback: What Is The Difference Between Glenn Beck Purchasing a 72,000 Square Foot Building And Robert Vicino Purchasing A Large Underground Shelter? | I'm Just Asking

  2. Pingback: Can Someone Please Ask Glenn Beck This Question | I'm Just Asking

  3. Pingback: Forbidden News » Glenn Beck 24 Hour Promise is a Hoax

  4. Pingback: Glenn Beck 24 Hour Promise is a Hoax

  5. upaces88 says:

    Beck made it very vivid WHO and WHAT Obama was from the very beginning. He is a very good teacher connecting the dots; and has a gift of making it simple for the audience to understand.

    He may very well give information that IF we were in a normal time WOULD bring the President down. BUT! These are anything but normal times. It doesn’t matter what he says or “proves.”
    Obama will still be sitting there safe and continue with his destruction.

    • LadyRavenSDC says:

      upaces88 – please be wrong – your last sentence. I just pray you are wrong!

      • upaces88 says:

        I WANT TO BE 100% WRONG!!!
        I will be thrilled if I am wrong.
        WE don’t know each other personally so I will share this with you. I have no False Pride. I have no problem with being wrong AS LONG AS someone proves it to me.
        I have pissed people off who DO prove me wrong at times in my life, and I walk away saying “”thank you for proving that I was wrong. Now, I know the truth.”

        When I say something I do believe it OR I wouldn’t say it.

  6. Pingback: Glenn Beck 24 Hour Promise is a Hoax | 2012thebigpicture

  7. Kauf Buch says:

    Well, it’s been WELL OVER 24-36 hours and STILL NOTHING.
    Beck is THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF. He does it for ratings.
    I’d call him an Attention Wh*re.
    He’s tried this approach too many times, most with ho-hum “exclusives.”
    Wake me when he actually SAYS or SHOWS something of importance.

    • upaces88 says:

      So? Who does a better job at explaining in detail HOW everything happens?
      I want you to give us a name.

      • LadyRavenSDC says:

        No contest in my books. I’ve seen every “biggie” be wrong about something or another.
        But the ROOT of all we have learned/experienced was Rush’s statement – “I hope he fails.”
        So many didn’t want to hear that for too many self serving reasons.
        Now that we are in the “no apologies to Tiffany” stage the smears keep on coming.
        I believe Beck has the “goods.” The timeline was incorrectly stated – people didn’t listen carefully enough but Beck combined two subjects – he confused the matter himself.
        My reason for believing Beck has the “goods” does not come from any sense of loyalty to all the times he has been right.
        It comes from knowing this is the most corrupt/dangerous administration – INCLUDING GOP – in history.
        All that said – WHAT are the people going to do – and why haven’t we done it already instead of waiting for that shoe.
        We are well past the time we should have revolted.

        • upaces88 says:

          I have been saying the same thing “I hope we don’t wait too long.”
          IT IS too late (AND I DO WANT TO BE WRONG)
          Why do I think it is too late?
          There were “2” Impeachment processes announced in D.C.; and within 24 hrs, they just went away as though nothing happened. Then a 3rd…now there is another one “being floated”.we won’t see anything happen on this one either.
          This was “personal” experience that I had. It was like fate. About(?) 12-18 months ago, I went into a pawnshop not too far from where I live. My daughter had moved in (not working), and I had to pick up some extra things I didn’t have the $ for.
          I was waiting in line. It was a Saturday, and there was a man standing in front of me in a business suit. To pass the time, I started up a conversation with Tommy, the owner of the pawn shop. I was kidding him about the “gun sales “(I’m in Texas).

          That man in front of me whipped around and we were eye-to-eye. His eyes became huge. His face turned pasty white…as he said, “You don’t know this man; and you don’t understand what he is capable of.”
          He was so scared that he didn’t even finish his business, and he, literally, RAN out the front door.

          What we read online and see on the news? I think it is only the very tip of the iceberg of what he is capable of. We are “now” seeing more and more. He and D.C. are FAR beyond just political corruption. We do have EVIL sitting in the WH.

          • LadyRavenSDC says:

            “He and D.C. are FAR beyond just political corruption. We do have EVIL sitting in the WH.”
            Yes. We do.

        • upaces88 says:

          There was a plan in place (and no, I didn’t read this on a blog). IF he got into office again, the Military was going to drag him out. HOWEVER, that was about the time that the Russians were here training; and one (or?) soldier was so excited that he spilled the beans (“Loose Lips Sinks Ships”).
          Well, That when when he began to change out the leaders, etc.

  8. Joe says:

    It seems we all get played every day by all that inform us. if beck lied he will loose many people.

    • upaces88 says:

      I do’t think he lied…In NORMAL times, what he has said and will say won’t bring the government down. I think he is going to have a hard time with that. He is a man of pride. He still “believes the truth means something.” It doesn’t…not with that man in the WH.
      IF he continues to believe what he honestly does believe….he will cut him to the bone.
      Addressing the other comment about being an “attention hog (paraphrased)”.
      Yes, he is. Most people who are public figures ARE attention hogs. They love it.
      The average person IF they received THAT much attention, they would react the same way.
      He has the guts to go out on a limb and is going to be upst when nothing happens; but he will continue anyway.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Beck has been right in the past but that doesn’t mean he didn’t drop the ball. Obammy’s apparent intent to intervene in Syria is the start of WW3 as posted, Russia and China will NOT back down at the appearance of Obammy and his imperial power. Pray for the country cause we will need it.

    • Jane Vaughn says:

      Yes, we need prayers. Who knows what will happen next?

    • upaces88 says:

      Exactly! he is just a human being with very high hopes.
      Whether some like him or not…the man KNOWS how to teach complicated issues, as he literally, draws it all out on a blackboard just like the natural born teacher he is.

  10. Pingback: No Glenn Beck World Shattering Announcement: Will it Come Monday and Will Beck’s Fans Be Listening?

    • LadyRavenSDC says:

      “UPDATE: This blogger says Beck was set up by RWW’s editing. I see the editing but I don’t see how it changes the meaning. It is not clear from the clip what Beck is referring to.”

      And I would confess I have tried every which way but backwards to make you wrong on this Warren, but having now listened to both clips for the umpteenth time I have to agree. The first part, where Glenn is talking about amnesty – even in the longer video – we do not know that that IS what he is talking about until Thursday’s show.
      Two questions remained then for me. Did Beck intend to deceive? I don’t believe so, the show is mostly spontaneous.
      Did RWW intentionally inflame the whole thing by combining two topics even though it was not totally clear that it was two?
      The longer video has had approximately 3,500 hits. The shorter approximately 120,000 hits. It’s pretty clear which people gravitated to and spread around.
      And yet – this (and when it was added I don’t know) is in the “show more” section of the longer video – “The full video of Glenn Beck promising news that will rock the nation and announcing that he has a whistleblower who can take down the entire power structure. The two things seemed to be directly related when Beck was discussing them, but now we are not so sure.”
      I now would say – not intentional.
      To your “some people get more protective of the leader and work a little harder to bring people into the fold.” Human nature is (I believe) that we like to be right, that more than not, we try to influence in most everything we say. I also believe we are often guilty of – we see what we want to see, we hear what we want to hear.
      All that humanness aside, we have major/horrific problems in our country right now. The intentional attempt to confuse issues, more in particular by our government, (IMO), makes it all the more important to hear each other out. Face to face, belly to belly preferred but via internet better than nothing!
      Thank you for commenting Dennis. I appreciate it.

  11. The MAD Jewess says:

    Look at this, this went under the radar:

  12. The MAD Jewess says:

    I heard about that explosion. I BET the govt did it.
    I cant post on it, it will take all my time away from God
    I need God, I feel helpless and lost lately

  13. The MAD Jewess says:

    (And hat tipped you.)
    [Beck said that a terrible thing was going to make this admin fess up abt Boston, nothing happened, he sensationalizes in a time where we do NOT NEED THAT]
    The REAL bad news:
    We are going to be in WW3, thats the thing that is ‘rocking’ us.
    What scares me is that we will be sending troops to their slaughter as Russia WILL attack us and bad.

    • LadyRavenSDC says:

      MJ – did you see “another” chemical plant explosion yesterday? Hells bells I swear I am at the point of if we had an 8.0 earthquake I would think gov did it!
      Yes, the WW3 – Russia and China both. America. AMERICA is going to side with AQ? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I think we have 1,000 marines in Jordan right now. Saw that a few weeks ago.

  14. Pingback: Is Beck Just Talking Again? Says In 24 Hours, Nation Will Be Rocked | The Mad Jewess

  15. The MAD Jewess says:

    I edited it.
    My point is that he brings things up that *NEVER* ‘rock’ anything

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