Stupid, Lazy, Liars will NEVER have your back!

The word “incomprehensible” as used from the very beginning when the Affordable Care Act was introduced – was psyops. The message – we/you are too stoopid so don’t even bother trying to read it because you ain’t gonna get it. Add that there are 2,000+ pages to the ACA. Those two things guaranteed the average American was not going to go there. But that is what we have trusted lawmakers for – isn’t it?

Demonize and marganilize those who “do” read it and the whole thing really stays in the dark until pandoras box is actually opened.

This article – The Affordable Care Act is not ‘Incomprehensible’ – in the American Thinker argues that it’s language is not “impenetrable” and suggests those we expected to have our backs on the whole thing fell in one of three areas –

Congress critters who voted for ObamaCare tried to read the bill and couldn’t understand it, which makes them stupid.

Or they never bothered to read it, which makes them lazy.

Or they knew exactly what the bill intended, which makes them liars.

America hoped for the best and got the worst and here we are looking dead on at the train wreck of  “fundamental change” as promised by Barack Hussein Obama.

Last Thursday: 


Related:   Millions will lose employer based Health Insurance – not Grandfathered


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7 Responses to Stupid, Lazy, Liars will NEVER have your back!

  1. Pingback: What Rating For Your Congress Critters? | Gadaboutblogalot's Blog

  2. Gyrwan says:

    “But that is what we have trusted lawmakers for – isn’t it?”

    The Rule of Law is dead. Behave accordingly.

  3. rmnixondeceased says:

    Reblogged this on Dead Citizen's Rights Society.

  4. bunkerville says:

    Thanks for the link. The regime becomes more evil by the day. Lie straight to our faces as if we are too stupid to notice. The bitter clingers.

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